Asiatic Society for Social Science Research
एशियाटिक सोसायटी फॉर सोशल साइंस रिसर्च
(NITI Aayog No. DL/2021/0287154)
Asiatic Society for Social Science Research (as known as ASSSR) is an autonomous research body, originally constituted as a Body of Individuals under the Memorandum of Association, signed on September 2, 2019, and registered under Certificate No. IN-DL94355617122143S dated October 17, 2020, at 3:58 PM.
As per the New Ordinance 4.0 (vide F. No. 2–40/2023–24 dated September 1, 2023), the Body, initially registered as a Body of Individuals (Memorandum of Association signed on September 2, 2019, and registered under Certificate No. IN-DL94355617122143S dated October 17, 2020, at 3:58 PM, with a subsequent revision to the Memorandum of Association under Certificate No. IN-DL69792009462516U dated August 4, 2022, at 10:26 AM), will be reconstituted under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
The Body/Society will continue to function with the same aims, objectives, and registration, retaining its existing NITI Aayog Unique ID Number: DL/2021/0287154.
The aims and objectives of the ASSSR are as follows: —
To promote Social Science research;
To coordinate Social Science research;
To serve as forum for exchange of views through Annual Sessions, Conferences, Seminars, Symposium, etc.;
To help in the preservation of historical monuments and archaeological sources;
To establish archive(s) and museum(s) virtually or physical or both to promote cultural heritage;
To honor social scientists, who made substantial contributions in the field of Social Sciences;
To establishing a publication division or(and) house;
To establish teaching institute delving in multidisciplinary studies including social sciences, sciences, humanities, arts, etc.;
To establishing a non-formal research institute, providing teaching and research methods in non-prioritized areas of social sciences on a no-profit no-loss basis;
To provide publishing platform to researchers and scholars from Social Science field;
To promote and publish original articles in the relevant field of Social Sciences aiming to reduce the gap between research and practice;
To the development of theory and practice of Social Science domains;
To give scholars a chance to be part of the scholar community who assists and helps others in publication and review;
To make online repository of the research papers and scholarly articles affordable or free of cost to all users without any subscription;
To make print version of the research papers and scholarly articles affordable;
To create avenues for promotion and publication of research papers about and from socially, economically and culturally weakened sections of the society across the globe;
To make research publication hassle free to ensure sharing of knowledge in due course of time;
To strengthen the research ecosystem by establishing a Component on Research and Development;
To facilitate the researchers, resource persons, practitioners, and scholars to come on a platform and to share their findings of the research with the rest of the world so that informed decisions can be taken to improve academics, businesses and societies as a whole;
To launch special series in the form of books, edited volumes, proceedings, etc. in times of need;
To conduct special initiatives in the form of short-term (ranging from one months to six months) courses either certificate or non-certificate to facilitate researchers, resource persons, practitioners, scholars, etc. as per Government of India norms;
To conduct special initiatives in the form of long-term (ranging from six months to twelve months) courses either certificate or non-certificate to facilitate researchers, resource persons, practitioners, scholars, etc. as per Government of India norms;
To keep the platform as inclusive as possible by keeping it open to theoretical, methodological, quantitative, and qualitative scholarships from all the areas within the Social Sciences, defined as the academic disciplines concerned with the study of society, and their relationship between individuals within societies;
To receive and administer funds for the implementation of the above said objectives; and
To do all such things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any including the future aims and objectives of the Body.